Protein provides the major structural components of cells for all living things, such as soft and hard tissue growth and repair. When protein is digested, it breaks down and releases amino acids which in turn are used to make new proteins such as muscles, hormones (insulin and Adrenalin, and more) antibodies, transport carriers such as haemoglobin to supply oxygen to vital organs, maintain fluid balance or may be used as an energy source during some higher states of exercise.
For those wanting to increase muscle mass a protein intake of 1.2 grams to 2 grams per kilo of body weight per day incorporated with a net positive caloric intake is needed to achieve 2 kg to 4 kg of body mass per month.
Due to the appetite suppression effect of protein, a higher intake of protein has benefits for fat loss, but only if the rest of the intake of food is considered healthy; such as achieving the recommended servings of vegetables, fruit and dairy whilst not eliminating grains and cereals.
Fortunately, the human body does not store protein, but consuming protein on a regular basis is essential. It is highly advisable to choose protein-rich foods that are lower in saturate fats.
The energy value per gram for protein is 17 kilo-joules, or 4 calories, per gram.
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