On the 1st of May, Sunrise news on channel 7 in Australia released information from the Australian Government to the people and businesses, namely shops, pubs, gyms and restaurants, urging them to prepare to open.
More recently, this has become a reality. With each states premier guiding their respective constituents to a CovidSafe opening of their facilities. This has been and will be happening week by week to ensure that there are no spikes in positive Coronavirus cases.
From slowly opening up restrictions to travel and allowing people back to their general environments back to normal life. But, there will be much that has changed in terms of society since Covid-19 was diagnosed within Australia.
Road maps to recovery across each state do vary state to state but the general consensus is that Australia as a whole will return to optimal productivity as soon as practicable.
With the official opening dates for most gyms and fitness facilities announced to happen all after the 15th of May by the Queensland Government, I am more than excited to be heading back into the gym, with guidelines in place to ensure limits of exposure in case of another potentially deadly outbreak.
As these restrictions are being eased across the country there is a robust operations framework that was developed to ensure gyms and fitness facilities their understanding in order to safeguard the health and safety of you, the members.
The framework includes key public and occupational health recommendations such as:
Physical distancing - ensuring that people have 1.5 to 2 meters gap
Hygiene - Washing hands before and after attending the gym
Staying home if unwell to prevent a spread of any virus
Contact tracing to backtrack infections and control an outbreak
For Queensland gym members, you can see the State's road map below.

Below is the national road map

For fitness related ease of restrictions due to Covid-19, see here.
I'm excited to be heading back into the gym, and not a moment too soon! After taking my sessions to the outdoors, I thank my clients for adapting to the changes in the mode of delivery and I look forward to getting back into the gym with them.
Over the last couple of weeks, since the announcement of gyms to be opening all after the 12th of June, some of the staff members of the gym I operate from, IFeelGood247 in Park Ridge, Queensland, have been thoroughly deep cleaning the gyms. As well as spacing equipment to accommodate the health and hygiene changes for the time being. Whilst other team members have been ensuring compliance to other pieces of framework to ensure that you, the members are given a clean environment to work in.
The easing of restrictions does have an interesting point in it as gyms and fitness facilities are only allowing a strict number of people into their facilities at any one time. Those who have a personal training session will be given priority and I urge that if you want to get back into the gym without missing out, then get yourself a personal trainer.
This is due to peak times in the gym are often mornings from 6 AM to 930 AM and afternoons from 3 PM to 630 PM. Many of you reading this may fall within these time frames, and most of my clients do have their sessions within those time frames. Sure, you could attempt to enter outside of those times. But even that is a gamble.
The best and easiest way to guarantee your place in the gym is to secure your booking now with me as your personal trainer.
If you want to secure your booking with me then simply head to here. Times will be open back up to accommodate gym times, but they will be booking out as I progress back into the gym.
Secure your spot NOW!
UPDATE 01/06/2020 - IFeelGood247 Park Ridge is officially open from 3 PM TODAY!
What is confirmed with regards to keeping CovidSafe
Discipline Fitness with IFeelGood are committed to protecting you, the member and the community with the following regulations:
Cleaning/Sanitising your hands upon entry, before using any equipment;
Cleaning equipment before AND after use;
Maintain a 1.5 meter distance between each other and keeping the distance between floor markings;
Always use a towel when training, no towel, no train;
Avoid touching your face;
Control your coughs and sneezes into your elbow or clothing;
45 minutes allowable time in the gym from entry. Up to 1 hour if your have a personal training session. this may be extended at the club managers discretion;
Equipment/benches must not be moved from floor markings;
A maximum number of 20 people allowed in the gym including staff and trainers.

Members of the gym are only allow to attend the gym within staffed hours which are
Monday - 830 AM to 1130 AM and 3 PM to 7 PM
Tuesday - 830 AM to 1130 AM and 3 PM to 7 PM
Wednesday - 830 AM to 1130 AM and 3 PM to 7 PM
Thursday - 830 AM to 1130 AM and 3 PM to 7 PM
Friday - 830 AM to 1130 AM
Saturday - 830 AM to 1130 AM
Sunday and Public Holidays - Closed
The only times where there is an exception to be within the club outside of these hours is for a personal training session. This will change in the coming days/weeks as the restrictions are eased.